Thursday, April 19, 2007

Video Editing Complete

So we finished our video (me and Dave) and I think its pretty good. Our main focus was on steriod usage in professional sports, especially in baseball. We focused on Barry Bonds, who is well known for his steriod use. We had some problems with spacing considering how large the video was, but next to that the process of creation went pretty smooth. Anyways, the video is below so check it out.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Video Problemo

So we have been working on our video, and the main problem we have encountered was the lack of sufficient space on the University computers. Even after cleaning basically everything I had from my desktop, room was still an issue. The main idea we are using for our video is the ideology regarding one's acceptance into the Major league Baseball Hall of fame if the conductee was known to have taken steriods. There are many controversial views regarding this position, some believing in acceptance of the person, while others believe the person should be discarded. The purpose of our video is to let the viewer decide for themselves about whether or not this is acceptable. The main problem with creating this video is finding images and videos of major league footage that is older than approximately five years (Back when Barry Bonds was much smaller). Dealing with professional sports, there is also a large amount of copyright protection, so it will likely take quite long to find suitable clips.

Our video will be based on Barry Bonds's time in the Major League.
To check out Barry Bonds website, click the link below.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Video Collaberation

So me and my friend Dave Peltier are teamed up to work on the video project which should be good. I typically prefer to work alone on such projects, but due to the similarities of interests which we hold, I think we may be able to create something that we both like (most likely sports related). We have generated some vague ideas already, and we think our project will most likely revolve around the steroid usage in professional baseball, and the emphasis this has on hall of fame inductees. We have our ideas, but I believe the main problems are going to come in acquiring such video and audio clips. Considering so much of the web has copying preventative measures these days, I don't know if we will be able to get all the clips that we want. Oh well, what is one to do besides continue to look.

Considering my great love for traveling, I thought I would recommend this travel site to anyone who views my blog. There are some great deals here.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Nice Work

So here is the finished design for my website, minus the write-up. As you can see the color schematic is pretty bland, yet appealing at the same time. The coloring is limited to black and grey, which kind of communicates a modern sense. I really enjoy the way that these two colors complement one another so well. I believe this background is creating the professional sense that I was aiming for. Not to exciting, yet not to boring either. The city in the background communicates a business type atmosphere, while the car communicates an ideology associated with speed and money. Considering I am a finance major, I believe this fits in well.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Site Meter Confusion

So I have completed everything I need to do in regards to my website except for acquiring a site meter. I am having problems with getting the site meter in the proper area of my index page, for some reason it feels as though it should go on the right or left side of my page, rather than in the center. I struggled with getting the meter in my page period, and now can't seem to place it where I like. I tell ya. I guess a little more trial and error is necessary, and hopefully I can get this thing layed out right. Next to the problems, I personally think my web page is quite well put together, for I personally would view a site with a similar layout. It's simple, and easy to navigate within, which is very important to me.

Next to that, my favorite basketball team (LA Clippers) are in the playoff picture. Be sure to check some stats about about them out at