Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Video Problemo

So we have been working on our video, and the main problem we have encountered was the lack of sufficient space on the University computers. Even after cleaning basically everything I had from my desktop, room was still an issue. The main idea we are using for our video is the ideology regarding one's acceptance into the Major league Baseball Hall of fame if the conductee was known to have taken steriods. There are many controversial views regarding this position, some believing in acceptance of the person, while others believe the person should be discarded. The purpose of our video is to let the viewer decide for themselves about whether or not this is acceptable. The main problem with creating this video is finding images and videos of major league footage that is older than approximately five years (Back when Barry Bonds was much smaller). Dealing with professional sports, there is also a large amount of copyright protection, so it will likely take quite long to find suitable clips.

Our video will be based on Barry Bonds's time in the Major League.
To check out Barry Bonds website, click the link below.

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